Tulsa Performing Arts Center
TPAC Presents
Directed and Choreographed by Sara Phoenix
Lighting Design by Carson Decker
Sound Design by Steven Smalley
Costumes Designed and Created by Bruce Lewis and Alice Wegley
Technical Direction: Scott McClarty
Props: Nick Mueller
The Tempest, Opera House Arts at Ames Farm
Stonington ME, 2018
directed by: Peter Richards
costumes by: Jennifer Paar
technical director: Brian Coleman
Summer in Gossensass by Marìa Irene Fornès
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
directed by Laura Standley
Lighting Design by Jax Marer and Jeremy Winchester
Costumes by Liz Rodio
Cape Fear Regional Theatre, Fayetteville NC 2023
Directed by Marc de la Concha
Choreography by Charlie Sutton
Video Design by David Rawlins
Lighting Design Jason Flamos
Sound Design Kate Wecker
Costume Design Emily White
Photos by Rubiera Studios
Theatre Squared, Fayetteville AR 2022
directed by Esteban Arévalo Ibáñez
choreographer: Michelle LeBlanc
lighting design: Athziri Morales
projection design: Nathan W Scheuer
costume design: Yao Chen
sound design: Rebecca Kessin
Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, 2022
Director: Corey Mitchell
Lighting Designer: Gordon Olson
Costume Designer: Beth Chaitman
Sound Designer: Jason Romney
Technical Director: Andrew Gibbon
Scenic Artist: Tim Parati
Props Coordinator: Cassie Ward
by Rogers and Hammerstein, Triad Stage 2017
directed by: Preston Lane
music director: Justin Cowan
lighting design : Cecelia Durbin
projection design: Nick Hussong
costume design: Bill Brewer
sound design: Derek Graham
Cape Fear Regional Theater, October 2018
Directed by: Michelle Tennenbaum
Sets and Shadow Puppets: Robin Vest
Lighting Designer: Marika Kent
Costume Designer: Whitney Locher
by Branden Jacobs Jenkins
Profile Theatre, Portland Oregon 2022
directed by: Josh Hect
fight choreography: Jonathan Cole
special effects: Rory Breshears
lighting design : Kristeen Willis
costume design: Jaymee Ngernwichit
sound design: Matt Weins
(world premiere), The Cherry Lane, NYC, February 2019
Directed by: John Pasquin
Lighting Design by: Paul Miller
Projection Design by: Brad Peterson
Costume Design by: Theresa Squire
Sound Design by: ML Dogg/MuTTT
The elaborate set (designed by Robin Vest) boasts a large living room with color-coordinated furniture, as well as a stocked and apparently functioning kitchen. -The Broadway Blog
by Tony Kushner and Jeanine Tesori, Cape Fear Regional Theater 2017
directed by: Bryan Conger
music director: Joanna Li
costume design: Allison White
lighting design: David Casteneda
sound design: Brian Hitzigrath
by Beth Henley, Triad Stage at the Hanesbrands 2015
Director: Preston Lane
Costume Design: Becki Leigh Stafford
Lighting Design: Laura Eckelman
Sound Design: Elisheba Ittoop
Set Design featured in the Camel City Dispatch review
by Loesser, Swirling and Burrows, Playmaker's Repertory Company SYC 2015
directed by: Jeffrey Meanza
costume designer: Jade Bettin
lighting designer: Dominic Abbenante
photos by: Jon Gardiner
Triad Stage, Greensboro NC, September 2018
Directed by: Preston Lane
Lighting Design: Oliver Wason
Costume Design: Bill Brewer
Sound Design: G. Clausen
by William Shakespeare, Triad Stage 2014
Directed by Preston Lane
Lighting Design: Robert Perry
Costume Design: Bill Brewer
Sound Design: David Smith
by Sarah Ruhl, Guilford College Theatre Studies Fall 2015
directed by: Marc Williams
lighting design: Jesse Belsky
sound design: G. Clausen
photos by: Jesse Belsky
by Stephen Belber, Manhattan Class Company 2012
directed by Lucie Tiberghien
lighting design: Matt Richards
costume design: Jenny Mannis
Sound Design: Fabian Obispo
adapted by Henry Wishcamper, Williamstown Theater Festival 2013
directed by Henry Wishcamper
choreographer: John Carrafa
physical comedy by Paul Kalina
lighting design: Matt Richards
costume design: Jenny Mannis
"Scenic designer Robin Vest, who designed the Chicago production, has made the ballroom of the Rittenhouse Manor an immensely pleasing place. Sky-blue with white and gold accents and a stylized allusion to a crystal chandelier, it put me in the mood of old New Yorker covers and children’s books, such as Eloise, in its visual evocation of a Long Island mansion in the 1920s." -The Arts Fuse
Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, September 2019
Directed by Jenny Male
Music Direction by Drina Keen
Choreography by Mavis Scully
Costumes by Ryan Moller
Lighting by Aimee Hanyzewski
Sound by Jason Romney
“Robin Vest’s eye-catching set stresses the unreality of Neverland: giant flowers and insects, a subterranean dwelling place for the Lost Boys topped by a London Underground sign, a cheerful Jolly Roger that resembles a titanic paper pirate’s hat.” The Charlotte Observer
by Donald Margulies, Playmaker's Repertory Company 2010
directed by Tom Quaintance
lighting design: Tyler Micoleau
costume design: Rachel Pollock
"The production has a sideshow feel, played out on designer Robin Vest's crackerjack set of runways, trapdoors and compartmented shelves crammed with gewgaws. Locales and furnishings change instantly: Steamer trunks become ships, bathtubs and turtles' backs; large sheets become sails and ocean whirlpools." -News & Observer
adapted by Jack Zerbe, Guilford College Theatre Studies 2014
directed by Jack Zerbe
lighting design by Jesse Belsky
sound design by Tracy Cowit
Directed by Josh Waterstone, Guilford College, 2017
Set, Costume, Puppet, Mask and Shadow Puppet Designs
Co-Puppet designer: Sora Mullis ‘20
Lighting By: Dominic Abbenante
Sound by: G Clausen
by Ellen Fairey
Lincoln Center Theater LCT3, 2010
directed by Henry Wishcamper
projections by Aaron Rhyne
lighting by Matt Richards
costumes by Anne Kinney
sound by Bart Fastbender
"Chicago looks swell in Robin Vest’s multipurpose set. That wraparound strip of green flooring (nicely set off by Aaron Rhyne’s bucolic video projections and soundman Bart Fasbender’s establishing bird twitter) represents Graceland, the picturesque cemetery where an old boozer who staggered home from his favorite bar one night and shot himself in the head has just been laid to rest." -Variety
Second Stage Uptown, 2010
Directed by: Will Frears
Lighting Design: David Weiner
Costume Design: Jenny Mannis
Sound Design: MuTTT
Scenic Design Featured in New York Magazine's "approval matrix" in the "brilliant/highbrow" quadrant.
Mason Gross School of the Arts, 2010
Directed by: Claudia Zahn
Lighing by: Matt Bathe
Projections by: Shawn Boyle
Costumes by: Jessa Raye Court