Directed by Andrew Ondrejcak, Production Designer Samita Wolfe, Photos by Michael Hull, courtesy of Time Square Arts, November 2023
Art Director, SCAD 2020
The Actress is a short film starring Isobal Sandoval commissioned by SCAD, written and directed by Andrew Ondrejcak. The Actress moves through the sets of several classic films in the short such as Barbarella, The Clockwork Orange, and Blue Velvet. Several of the looks can be seen in the trailer linked below. As Art Director I lead the design work on the more theatrical sets such as Barbarella, and The Clockwork Orange. A cut of the film titled Screen Test: Isabel was broadcast nightly in November 2023 on the Times Square Jumbotrons.
Graphic Design, 2021
Directed by one of my favorite collaborators, Michelle Tattenbaum, I created the zoom-like screen for this short film which takes place mostly over video chats. Production designer Marika Kent.
Directed by Peter Richards, Technical Director Brian Coleman. Stonington Maine, 2018
Produced by Penelope Studio @ Knox studio in OKC, Fabricator: Brian Coleman 2022